The story goes that a United States Marine was taking some college courses between assignments. He had completed twenty missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist, was a member of a certain prominent civil liberties union, and was an outspoken proponent of his left-wing political views.
One day, the professor shocked the class. When he came in, he looked to the ceiling, shook his fist, and defiantly stated, "GOD, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly fifteen minutes to come down here and do so."
The lecture room fell silent. A pin drop could have been heard. Ten minutes went by; and the professor proclaimed all the more brashly, "Here I am GOD; and I'm still waiting!"
It got down to the last minute; and the tension was almost unbearable in the room. Suddenly, at the very last instant, the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him completely off the platform with one powerful blow. Needless to say, the professor was out cold.
The Marine then calmly went back to his seat and just sat there in silence. The other students were shocked, and all sat there looking on in stunned disbelief. Eventually, the professor came to again. Noticeably shaken, he got to his feet, looked at the Marine, and demanded to know: "What in the world is the matter with you?! Why did you do that?!"
The Marine calmly replied, "GOD was too busy today, Sir, protecting American and Coalition soldiers, sailors, and airmen who themselves are busy today protecting your right to act like an idiot and say stupid stuff! So, He sent me to answer your request." The classroom is said to have erupted in cheers!
True or not, the point of this story is well made! Thank God for our troops, especially here at Independence Day. May God bless our service men and women and keep them safe. May we remember that yes, we are free; but only because they are brave! And may we be worthy of the freedom that they and so many others have secured for us at so high a cost!=