Unfortunately, for yours truly, it also runs Windows 10. You see, heretofore, I have been one of the few holdouts who has continued to operate in a Windows 7 world. We are all creatures of habit; and I just did not want to give up my old ways and embrace anything new.
Alas, however, my old machine finally played out. For the last few months, it had been on the digital equivalent of life-support. For this reason, I made the terrible decision to pull the plug and put it out of its misery. It passed this weekend with barely a whimper.
And yet, ironically, the demise of my old machine has actually been good for me. As hard as the intitial adjustment has been, the very transition has already begun to propell me into a more productive future. I have continued to be dumbfounded to discover what all improvements have been built in to the new operating system.
And this brings me to my point. In truth, sometimes it can be good to be jarred from our comfortable routine and forced into an uncertain future. The change can actually be good for us.
Years, like computers, are eventually destined, firrt to play out, and then to be superceded. Old ones invariably give way to new ones. When they do, we sometimes find ourselves resistant to the change. But we shouldn't. Because the change can be good for us. We can find our lot in life improved and our overall producitvity vastly increased. So, as 2016 gives way to 2017, remember this principle and embrace all that the new year has to offer.
And remember also that as uncertain as the unfolding future appears, God is still in control. Nothing will happen to you in the coming year that God is not in control of.
As the poet has put it...
A year untried before me lies.
What it shall bring of strange surprise,
Of joy, or grief, I cannot tell;
But God my Father knoweth well.
I make no concern of mine,
But leave it all with Love divine.
The sun may shed no light by day,
No stars at night illumine my way.
My soul shall still have no affright
Since God is all my life and light.
Though all the earthly lights grow dim,
He walks in light who walks with Him.
No ill can come but He can cure,
No word doth all of good insure:
He’ll see me through the journey’s length,
For daily need give daily strength!
SOURCE: https://bible.org/illustration/year-untried-me-lies.