Afterward, quite a few people requested a copy. For this reason, I thought I would make it today’s post. It is the story of Billy Bob the truck driver.
Soon after completing trucking school, Billy Bob went in to take the test to get his CDL (commercial driver's license). Unfortunately, Billy Bob had been brought up in the finest Alabama school system, and he couldn’t read very well. Therefore, it was agreed that the test would be administered verbally.
Billy Bob had paid careful attention in trucking school, though, and so he answered all of the questions quickly and correctly - until the very last one.
"You're starting down a steep incline at 55mph, when you notice a school bus full of children stalled, blocking the road at the bottom. What do you do?” asked the instructor.
Billy Bob sat there for a minute, not answering.
"You're a quarter of the way down the hill, doing 75mph. What're you gonna do?!”
Again, Billy Bob didn’t answer.
"You're HALF-WAY down the hill, doing 85mph! What're you going to do?!!"
Still no answer.
"You're THREE QUARTERS of the way down the hill and you're now doing NINETY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR!!! WHAT are you GOING to do!?!?"
Billy Bob finally looked up and said: "Guess I'm gonna wake up ol' Shep."
The instructor was astonished. "Wake up ol’ Shep?! Why?"
"Cause ol’ Shep ain't never seen a wreck like we're fixin’ to have!!"
SOURCE: This story is available widely and in various forms on the internet.
See also:
As well as: (Please be advised, however, that some of the other material on this latter page is a little off color.)