In the process, I quoted a poem that I had once encountered. It is titled “The Bible: There It Stands”. My copy comes from R. G. Lee’s book, A Charge to Keep, where he cites the original author as Congregational Pastor A. Z. Conrad. I post it here as many people have requested of me.
The Bible - There It Stands.
Century follows century - There it stands.
Empires rise and fall and are forgotten - There it stands.
Dynasty succeeds dynasty - There it stands.
Kings are crowned and uncrowned - There it stands.
Despised and torn to pieces - There it stands.
Storms of hate swirl about it - There it stands
Atheists rail against it - There it stands.
Agnostics smile cynically - There it stand
Profane prayerless punsters caricature it - There it stands.
Unbelief abandons it - There it stands.
Higher critics deny its claim to inspiration - there it stands.
Thunderbolts of wrath smite - There it stands.
An anvil that has broken a million hammers - there it stands.
The flames are kindled about it - There it stands.
The arrows of hate are discharged against it - There it stands.
Radicalism rants and raves against it - There it stands.
Fogs of sophistry conceal it temporarily - There it stands.
The tooth of time gnaws but makes no dent in it - There it stands.
Infidels predict its abandonment - There it stands.
Modernism tries to explain it away - There it stands.
Devotees of folly denounce it - there it stands.
Amen. Praise God for the dependability of His Word!