It all began with an iPhone.
March was when my son celebrated his birthday; and I got him an iPhone.
He just loved it. Who wouldn't?
I celebrated my own birthday in July; and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad.
My daughter's birthday was in September; so I got her an iPod Touch.
Thus, when December came around, and it was my wife’s birthday, I decided to do the next logical thing. So, I bought her an iRon.
It was around then that the fight started.
For some reason, my wife failed to appreciate my perspective on this sensible gift. She did not seem to recognize how practically the iRon could be integrated into the home network, right along with the iWash, the iCook, and the iClean.
Unfortunately, iFailed to appreciate her perspective as well. Regrettably, the whole process activated the iRate button.
This, of course, sent me off to the iHospital. And by the way, iHope that iGet out on Saturday!
NOTE: iAssure you that iHave more sense than to do something like this in real life. Down through the years, iHave learned from experience!