It is titled simply "THANK YOU".
Thank you just doesn’t seem enough
For all that each of you have done
Taking a stand, defending our freedom
Marching on till the victory was won.
For us who have never been a part
Of battling for our country’s rights
We really can truly never comprehend
All you went through as you fought the fight.
But because of brave men like you
Who kept going through every trial and test
We Americans can freely and thankfully say
In all the world, the USA is the very best.
Thank you for your service
For your commitment to the Red, White, and Blue
For protecting the “Sweet Land of Liberty”
We forever from our hearts want to say – “Thank You.”
Remember, freedom is not free. Especially during this time
of the year, please take the time to seek out and then express your appreciation to our service men and women, both veterans and those currently serving. It will surely mean
a lot to them.