Having retired from the pastorate, he now busies himself with a myriad of other ministry pursuits. Among the many things he currently produces is a monthly newsletter designed for those who communicate the Gospel. It is titled “SeminaryPlus”. In the August 2017 edition of this newsletter, he shares the following:
In Option B, a book by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant, the authors tell about a chalkboard with this title written on it: “Write Your Biggest Regret.” Someone placed the chalkboard on a sidewalk in New York City with an open invitation for passersby to write on the board. People filled the blackboard with their comments. An examination of these responses presents an interesting discovery. Of the dozens of answers, most have one thing in common. Most of the regrets are not about actions that failed but about failures to act.
One of the comments says, “Not going to Montana.” Another says, “Not getting my MA.” Another says, “Staying in my comfort zone.” Yet another says, “Not following my artistic passions.” These are not people burdened by guilt because they have done the wrong things. Instead, they are people burdened by regret because they have failed to do the right things.
Wayne Gretzky, famous hockey player, expresses the same realization in a comment made to a reporter. The reporter asked him if he knew how many shots he missed, he answered. “No, but I do know that I missed 100% of the shots I didn’t take.”
The puck is in your possession. Take the shot. Now.
Well said, Dr. Harbour. I know you will have few regrets at the end of the trail. Partly through your inspiration, I am learning to ensure that I too will have less regrets as well. And I hope that, in the process, I can inspire others to do much the same, even as you have inspired me.
SOURCE: Brian L. Harbour, PhD. SeminaryPlus Newsletter, august 2017. Available online by subscription. Dr. Harbour can be contacted by e-mail at: [email protected], or by telephone at: (972) 977-3704, or via snail mail at: SeminaryPlus 5805 Sweetbriar Dr, Richardson, TX 75082.