After she put the animal down, however, she soon learned just how dangerous the little thing truly was. She later posted the footage to her TikTok account, where she wrote “Going to Bali and unknowingly holding one of the most dangerous animals.” The video, which at the time the article was posted had already been viewed over 5.7 million times, goes one to identify the sea creature as a blue-ringed octopus.
The blue-ringed octopus is capable of injecting a deadly venom with its bite, The Sun reports. This venom contains a deadly neurotoxin that is capable of causing respiratory arrest in just minutes.
Needless to say, given that the video footage shows Phillips playfully cuddling the octopus in her hand, she remains very fortunate that it did not bite her. The blue-ringed octopus’ bite is powerful enough to kill humans.
Phillips herself commented on the video, saying, “I actually held two of them in the same day. I tried to feed them oranges for a solid 20 minutes.” She later added that, after having found out just how much danger she had been in, she called her dad crying.
The article goes on to report that numerous TikTokers wrote in to offer helpful advice, with one user summarizing, “Advice from marine biology/zoology: Never ever pick up, touch or eat anything brightly colored. Period, animal or plants.” Another agreed, postulating that Phillips likely used up all her luck on that one!
Even the reporter himself chimed in with some good advice: “Just because something is cute doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. I would add a hardy “Amen”!
The wisdom of the ages dictates that “playing with fire can be dangerous”! This simple principle reminds us that it is neither wise nor safe to approach things that demand our respect in a careless or frivolous manner! Doing so will invariably entail consequences.
And yet, time and again, in every generation and in every context, people seem to fall prey to such temptations. At times, this may be done out of simple ignorance. At other times, it gets done by accident. At still other times, it is done intentionally, often in an attempt to receive the perceived gratification and/or reward that accompanies any such behavior.
Sadly, of course, the cost all too often outweighs the thrill! The bill, when it comes due, is far more than the individual had ever intended to pay. Nonetheless, the bill must be paid! The toll must be exacted!
This is precisely why the Word of God admonishes us not to play around with things that can prove to be detrimental to us. Way back in the Garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. The temptation to do otherwise was powerful. And when they succumbed, the consequences proved deadly! This pattern, once established, continued to manifest itself in every generation throughout Scripture…
Gehazi played with fire when he coveted the riches of Naaman the Syrian, and deceitfully pursued them! David played with fire when he lusted over the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and deceitfully pursued her! Ananias and Sapphira played with fire when they desired recognition and prestige over others, and deceitfully pursued it! The list is endless…
In every case, the consequences were more than they bargained for. Gehazi received not only Naaman’s wealth, but also his leprosy. David got time with Bathsheba, but also with the prophet Nathan! And Ananias and Sapphira got remembered for something alright; only it was not at all for what they had intended!
All of this begs a question of you and me. Are we playing with fire? Are we playing around with things we have no business messing with? And if so, have we considered the consequences of any such behavior?!
So, my friends, be careful. Be very, very careful! For truly, if you play with fire, you may very well find that you get burned in the process!
Interestingly enough, a similar article in the news this week told how another man flirted with danger, and miraculously lived to see another day:
In both stories, thankfully, the parties involved survived relatively unscathed. Nonetheless, each story also serves to illustrate the point that playing around with things we have no business messing with can prove to be quite dangerous in the long run!