My last vehicle was a 2005 model year Ford. My newest ride is a 2011 model year Ford. And all I can say is “Wow!” I am simply dumbfounded at all the electronic upgrades and gadgets that were affixed to cars in the intervening six years!
Of course, one might expect these things in a Lincoln, but not a Ford. Apparently what was once considered luxury is now considered pretty standard fare for automobiles.
And to be honest, all of this new electronic wizardry is more than a little intimidating - if not to the younger generation, then certainly to an aging baby-boomer such as myself. But thank the Lord for one essential element still contained within the vehicle: a good old fashioned “Owner’s Manual”.
Whenever I find myself confused over how this or that button, control, switch, or item associated with the vehicle functions, all I have to do is to consult the Owner’s Manual. And in short order, I find myself saying with satisfaction, “Oh, cool, now I see!”
Why? Because what is puzzling or mysterious to me is not to the folks at Ford who designed and built the vehicle to begin with!
And what is true of manufactured vehicles is also true of created human beings! As we live out our lives, we very often find ourselves facing puzzling or confusing situations. But thank Heaven we do not have to stumble blindly along. Because the One Who has created us has also given us an Owner’s Manual, as it were.
He, God, has given us a very special book, which we call the Bible, and by which we can find the answers to life’s most puzzling questions and thereby live our lives as our Creator intended them to be lived.
If you are familiar with the Holy Bible, then you may well be aware of what I am saying. If not, then I encourage you to obtain a copy of the Bible and familiarize yourself with its teachings. You may be surprised to discover just what a blessing it will become in your life.
For, as the Bible itself declares (in the Book of Psalms 119:105): “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Little wonder then that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, also said (in John 8:12), “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."