It was a Fox News piece written by Matteo Cina and titled: “Texas Teen Dies Rock Climbing, Two Hours Later He Revives: ‘Literal Miracle’: The Teen's Doctor Describes Not Only Reviving, But Doing So With Such Little Damage, As A ‘Literal Miracle’”. It contained the story of Sammy Berko, who seems to have died and then come back to life!
According to the article, Houston's Fox 26 quotes Jennifer Berko, Sammy's mother, as saying that Sammy “climbed to the top of (a rock-climbing wall), rang the bell, as we were told, and then his body went limp, and it looked like he was either playing around or passed out. They weren't quite sure and when they realized he was unresponsive, they lowered him slowly…”
The article further states that paramedics and doctors proceeded to administer CPR for two hours before informing Jennifer that, “He's, gone.” She and her husband, Craig, sat with their son for a few minutes to say their goodbyes. “I started talking to him, just telling him how much I love him and sorry that we didn't know how to save him. Suddenly, as I started praying, my husband said, ‘Oh my gosh, he's moving.’”
Not surprisingly, the couple shouted for the medical team, who raced back in and began administering aid. Naturally, due to how long Sammy went without oxygen, there was concern that he might have suffered some sort of major brain injury. Surprisingly, however, aside from some minor physical injuries, he has so far only experienced short term memory loss as a result of the whole ordeal.
The above article was published on April 16, 2023. Yet, the Berko family’s actual ordeal unfolded a few weeks earlier. These two dates together serve as a pair of parentheses bracketing Easter! Why is this significant? Because Easter commemorates the death of another Son Who also proceeded to come back to life!
On Good Friday, God’s One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, climbed to the top of a rocky outcrop called Golgotha; and there He rang the bell of victory over sin! Immediately thereafter, He succumbed to death on an old rugged cross! Not surprisingly, all who knew and loved Him gathered to mourn His passing. Until their grief was suddenly and surprisingly cut short, that is, by the discovery that the One they mourned was in fact alive once again!
For my part, I am thrilled to know that Sammy Berko is once again alive and well! I join with his parents in hoping that what his physician, Dr. Stacey Hall, in another article, will indeed come to pass: “Sammy is going to have a great life and do wonderful things in this world!”
I also hope that all who read this will also consider that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, did also go on to have a wonderful life and do great things in this world! One of the great things He did was the miracle of grace He undertook and performed in my life. Another is the one He desires to do in your life! If you have not done so already, I hope you will embrace Him and allow Him to do that in your life as well! For in so doing, He will make possible for you, too, to overcome death with life.
Remember, as the Bible tells us (in the New Testament Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 36), whomsoever the Son sets free will be free indeed! That freedom even includes liberty over death!
STORY SOURCE: Once there, click on the link titled:
“Texas Teen Dies Rock Climbing, Two Hours Later He Revives: 'A Literal Miracle'. A Texas Teen Went Rock Climbing, Suffered Cardiac Arrest, And Was Pronounced Dead By Paramedics. Two Hours Later He Was Alive With Minimal Brain Trauma”, which will take you to this webpage:
My title for this post obviously comes from a famous line once uttered by a movie character who “terminated” all those who stood in his way. For what it’s worth… In that series of movies, another character, whose initials are, ironically, J.C., was born of an unmarried woman and an obscure father, then came of age, and eventually took on a worldly system designed to annihilate all of humankind! In the end, empowered and assisted by a force that was far beyond mortal strength, he wound up victorious over the evil he faced. (He who has eyes to see, let him see!)