Summer was over and the teacher was asking the class about their vacations. She turned to little Johnny and asked what he did over the summer.
“We visited my grandmother in Minneapolis, Minnesota,” he said. “That sounds like an excellent vocabulary word,” the teacher said, “Can you tell the class how you spell that?”
Little Johnny thought about it and said, “Come to think of it, she lives in Ohio…”
As we all know, summer vacation is a good time for two things: first, to get away and rest one’s body, and second, to clear one’s mind and not have to think too hard about anything.
For my part, along with my family, I have spent a little time trying to do both over this first week of July. And I’m glad I did. Every so often, both the body and the mind just need a little rest.
For this reason, no doubt, many people in the Bible took time away to rest and recuperate. In chapter 17 of the Old Testament book of First Kings, just prior to his famous confrontation with the false priests at Mt. Carmel in chapter 18, Elijah the Tishbite got away to a place called Cherith Brook and rested for several days. One clearly sees that the Lord intended him to get rested up for what all God had in store for him to do.
In the New Testament, the Gospel of Mark (chapter 6, verse 31) tells us that Jesus, sensing that His disciples were tired, said to them: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Here, the disciples have already been working hard and appear to have simply worn themselves out.
Even Jesus Himself often took time to get away alone for some needed peace and quiet. Examples of this can be found in Matthew 14:22-23, Mark 6:45, and Luke 5:16.
In truth, no thing and no person was ever designed to run wide open all the time. To do so is to run the risk of burnout, and thus of premature breakdown. For this reason, I hope you too will see the need for and avail yourself of some occasional down time. Give it a rest – in both mind and body! You’ll be glad you did!