The article, titled “One Man Lays Wreaths in Normandy on This Unusual D-Day”, was accompanied by several photos taken on Friday, June 5, 2020, in which British expatriate Steven Oldrid and his family honored the dead of Operation Overlord.
It has been widely reproduced throughout the day on various news websites. I quote the original article here in its entirety:
BENOUVILLE, France (AP) — The essence of war remembrance is to make sure the fallen are never forgotten. All it takes is a wreath, a tiny wooden cross, a little token on a faraway grave to show that people still care about their fallen hero, parent or grandparent.
This year, though, the pandemic stepped in, barring all travel for families to visit the World War II graves in France’s Normandy, where Saturday marks the 76th anniversary of the epic D-Day battle, when allied troops successfully stormed the beaches and turned the war against the Nazis.
So anguished families turned to the next best thing — an Englishman living on D-day territory, a pensioner with a big heart and a small hole in his agenda.
For years, Steven Oldrid, 66, had helped out with D-Day events around the beaches where British soldiers had landed — and often left their lives behind — be it organizing parking, getting pipers to show or getting sponsors for veterans’ dinners.
Laying wreaths though, seemed something special, reserved for families and close friends only.
But in pandemic times, pandemic rules apply. Oldrid was first contacted in March. “I was actually choked up when I got the first request,” Oldrid said. “I’m always on the other side. Always in the background,” he said.
“They asked ‘Steven, can you lay our wreath’? Well, they sent me five, and then another one said, ‘Can you lay one for my granddad?’ ‘Can you lay one for my dad’?”
Before he knew, it in this extraordinary year, he had become the extraordinary wreath-layer — proof that kindness cannot be counted in pounds, euros or dollars, but in time and effort to organize a day around the wishes of others.
As June 6 approached, the boxes of wreaths and grave markers piled up in his garage. And to soothe the nerves of families, he has also been filming live for Facebook several ceremonies and wreath-layings.
Among those struggling with not being able to go to Normandy this year was Jane Barkway-Harney of the British veteran Glider Pilot Regiment Society, whose father participated in the D-Day landings.
“It makes me feel physically sick because you feel as though you’re letting everybody down,” she said. “I feel so strongly that it is our right and our duty to go.”
Still, whatever Oldrid is asked “I know he’ll say ‘yes’ because he actually doesn’t know the word ‘no.’ It is not in his vocabulary,” said Barkway-Harney.
Through it all, he keeps a smile. “It’s not ever, never will be a burden, he said “It’s a pleasure and an honor.” What does he get in return? On the internet it is “Thank you, Steve. A big hearts and thumbs up,” he said.
And from his previous work helping out families and friends of veterans, he knows something else is coming too. “They do actually bring me some English products like teabags and salad cream, baked beans and crisps for the kids.”
For my part, all I can say in response to this article is “Thank you!” “Thank you!” to Mr. Oldrid! “Thank you!” to all those who sacrificed to win World War Two!
And above all, “Thank you!” to those who paid the ultimate price and gave their lives on June 6, 1944, and/or on every other day of that terrible ordeal, to ensure our freedom! Indeed, “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.”*
ARTICLE SOURCE: Written by Raf Casert and Alex Turnbull, this Associated Press story now occurs widely on the internet. The original source can be found here: