(For what it’s worth, grandson “#7” is, now due in the spring. Apparently, my wife and I cannot buy a granddaughter, as they say, with love nor money!)
Now, in what amounts to somewhat of an irony, grandson “#1” was born on Election Day in 2016 and grandson “#6” was born on Election Day 2020. (Despite this, I assure you that neither is named Donald and neither is named Joe.) Grandson “#7” is not likely to continue this streak; unless the current political situation remains so unresolved that it necessitates some sort of heretofore unprecedented runoff election in the spring.
Of course, it goes without saying that a great many people out there have been more than distraught this week over the current political situation. And yet, in the meantime, my strong suspicion is that not one single one of my six grandsons has even taken notice!
The reason is obvious. With ages ranging from four days to four years, none of them fret and worry over any such matters. Nor do they need to. What they do need to do is what have been doing all along – which is to trust implicitly in their parents and grandparents, all of whom in return have zealously loved, protected, provided, and cared for them, and will continue to do just the same.
As I have reflected on all of these matters, I have been reminded that I, too, have spent an awful lot of time in my life fretting and worrying about the things of this world. And yet, in truth, I now realize that I never should have! Why? Because I too have a Heavenly Father Who always has, and Who always will, address these issues on my behalf!
He, and He alone, has promised to love, protect, provide, and care for me. And the more I grasp that promise, the more and more I choose to trust in Him and him alone. As a result, the less and less I choose to fret and worry; and therefore, the more and more I choose to reside peacefully in His reassuring embrace!
For this reason, I choose to affirm what the Apostle Paul said (in his Second New Testament Letter to Timothy, chapter 1, verse 12) “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.”
In short, I have elected to place my trust in my Heavenly Father, believing that He, and He alone, will take care of me; that He, and He alone, will meet my every need; and that He, and He alone, will therefore rightfully see me safely through to another world – one in which the cares, fears, and realities of this present world will be forgotten and no longer be of any concern!
Now, I do not know what sort of week you have had. Maybe it started out all “rosy red” and then ended up “bluer than blue”. Or perhaps it was just the opposite. Either way, I want to assure you that God is still on His throne! Neither His power nor His authority has been subverted. Nor has His Divine will! And He will fulfill His promise to you meet your every need!
In closing, I leave you with the question that Jesus, Himself, once asked His disciples: “Why do you worry?” Of course, you, and you alone, are capable of answering any such question!
https://biblehub.com/2_timothy/1-12.htm; and