As I held him in my arms, I marveled at this wonderful little creation of God! A whole new person - in many respects, as yet untainted and untroubled by the world in which he is destined to spend the entirety of his earthly life.
I was also reminded of a clipping I had in my files. I do not know the origin of this little piece. But with this new year, like the new life of my grandson, just now unfolding, it seems especially appropriate to post it here today.
I hope it speaks to you as it does me. It is titled:
1. Give something away (no strings attached)
2. Do a kindness (and forget it)
3. Spend a few minutes with the aged (their experience is a priceless guidance)
4. Look intently into the face of a baby (and marvel)
5. Laugh often (it's life's lubricant)
6. Give thanks (a thousand times a day is not enough)
7. Pray (or you will lose the way)
8. Work (with vim and vigor)
9. Plan as though you'll live forever (because you will)
10. Live as though you'll die tomorrow (because you will on some tomorrow)
It seems likely that whoever wrote this piece experienced the things of which he or she spoke. I myself have experienced several of them. (As stated, experiencing number four on the list was what triggered this blog post.)
Given that the world can be a cold, hard, and at times, lonesome place; and given that life can be quite difficult without the infusion of a little joy along the way, I plan to make it my goal to experience, not some, but all of the things on this list.
Why not join me? Don't worry, you will inevitably be happy that you did!
SOURCE: From an unknown source on a clipping in my files. But also available online. See, for instance: