A quick Bible lesson on Israel…
First, Israel was a PERSON (Jacob, one of the three Hebrew fathers…Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)
Second, Israel (Jacob) received an eternal PROMISE (a covenant), concerning the land. It was passed on to him from God through his father and grandfather, Isaac and Abraham.
Third, this promise would be passed on to a PEOPLE (the Hebrew people…the 12 Tribes, ‘sons’ of Israel). They would come out of Egypt and finally enter and settle into their ‘Promised’ covenant land.
Fourth, through Jacob’s (Israel’s) fourth son Judah, the PROPHESIED MESSIAH would come, born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, headquartered in Capernaum, and crucified, buried, raised, and ascended in Jerusalem (all in Israel).
Fifth, the descendants of Jacob would be PUNISHED for their rebellion against God and removed from their land.
Sixth, in the last days, God would gather his dispersed chosen people from the four corners of the earth. He would bring them back to their promised land to prepare for the coming again of the PRINCE of PEACE. (There will be no lasting peace until Jesus returns to rule and reign.) All end-time Bible prophecy requires Israel to be back in her land.
The demons of Hell are trying to thwart His coming again to this earth.
It will not succeed!
Jesus is coming again!
He is coming back to the Mount of Olives… in Jerusalem… in Israel.
Last, are you PREPARED?
You must be born again!
Come to Jesus today!
All I will add is a definitive "AMEN"!