Of course, the Bible also has much to say about children and grandchildren. For instance, it repeatedly tells us that children are a blessing to those who have them. In one particular instance, the Psalmist (in chapter 127, verses 3-5) puts it this way:
3Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. 4Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. 5Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
To this, the writer of Proverbs (chapter 17, verse 6) adds that “grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged”.
For our part, with three grown children, plus two daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, and four precious little grandsons, my wife and I can say that we have finally begun to appreciate all these words.
Indeed, these days, the highlight of our lives is to spend as much time as possible with each and every one of these God-given blessings!
Obviously, we cannot always be there with them in person. But at least we have the blessing of daily video clips forwarded to us by text and email. It was through one such recent video clip that the Lord spoke to me.
My daughter filmed her two year old son playing in the backyard sandbox that we had gotten him. While he is playing, she is holding his younger brother, age six months, in her lap. As the camera cuts back and forth, the latter is completely transfixed by his older brother barely three feet away.
The clip shows him keenly watching every move his older brother makes, and literally cackling out loud each time his brother does anything particularly noteworthy (such as tossing sand in the air or squealing with delight as he stamps his own feet in the sand, etc…) The caption she added to the forwarded clip said it all: “I can’t wait to grow up and join in the fun!”
The first time I watched the clip, I naturally delighted in the frivolity on display. Just seeing two of my grandsons laughing and having such fun was reward enough for the moment. But as I have watched it again and again, the Lord has spoken to me about a spiritual truth on display.
My youngest grandson is happy and content for two main reasons. First, he is in the arms of a loving parent, who has met all his needs – even those of which he is not yet fully aware.
Second, he has his eyes on his older brother, whose every word and action give him supreme joy and absolute delight. Indeed, his only desire in the clip seems to be to one day follow the example of his elder brother and emulate him in all that he does.
If you think about it, how like us this is! As born-again children of God, we are continually in His loving embrace. All of our basic needs have been, and continue to be, met by our Heavenly Father – even those of which we are not fully aware.
Nonetheless, He continually nurtures us and protects us and showers us with love. And even as we rest securely in His care, we fix our gaze upon the One Whom the Bible (in Hebrews 2:17; Romans 8:17, 29; and Mark 3:34-35) asserts to be our older brother, Jesus Christ.
In Him, we find our supreme delight! Thus, we are inspired to follow His example and become all we can become and experience all we can experience as a result!
I offer this simple prayer as I close:
“Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all you have provided for me. And thank you, Jesus, not only for saving me, but also for inspiring me and encouraging me to follow your example in order that I may experience all you have for me in this world and in the world to come! Amen.”
SCRIPTURE SOURCES: All Bible verses referenced above are available at: https://biblehub.com/.