Many of us are also wondering what life will be like when this terrible pandemic finally does come to an end. We know that things will be different. We just don’t know exactly how they will be different.
One thing is for certain - hardly any of us have emerged unscathed from a year of dealing with Covid. In my case, I have lost more than one hero, more than one really good friend, and more than one family member. No doubt, many of you can relate; for when this pandemic finally ends, few if any of us will have been left unaffected.
It has also been almost a year since a gifted Minnesotan named Laura Kelly Fanucci, author of a half dozen books as well as a syndicated column titled “Faith at Home”, penned an insightful poem that has since gone viral on social media. Her poem, titled “When This Is Over”, speaks volumes about what may well be the single greatest impact that this ordeal has left upon us all.
For perspective, I am posting her poem below. As you read it, notice that she never once mentions “coronavirus”, “virus”, or “pandemic”. Yet, anyone who reads it will also immediately recognize what she is referencing when she uses the term “this” in the phrase “when this is over”.
At the same time, notice how she manages to summarize every significant thing we may never take for granted again once we're past all of “this”.
“When This Is Over” by Laura Kelly Fanucci
"When this is over, may we never again take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.
When this ends may we find that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way --
better for each other
because of the worst."
All I can say is “Amen”! And again I say, “Amen”!
POEM SOURCE: Available widely on the internet. See, for instance:
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