Neither of us thought much more about the night’s events until we received the following text from our daughter late last night:
Buckaroo (his nickname) said his first big boy prayer tonight (instead of singing the blessing song as we always have). He borderline yelled it saying: “Thank God for catch lightning bugs. And play frisbee. And thank God for come inside. And thank God for watch spiderman and suk-a-man beat the bad guys at Yaya and Granddaddy's. Thank God for play. Amen”
Wow! Neither of us thought all that much of any of the activities with which we had filled their evening. But little buckaroo did! Obviously, he had himself a marvelous time catching lightning bugs, playing Frisbee before coming inside and chowing down on popcorn while watching Spiderman and “suk-a-man” (also known as Superman) defeat their respective enemies here at Yaya’s (my wife’s) and my house.
We were both moved by his little prayer. First, because these simplest of activities that we had undertaken with him had obviously meant far more to him than either of us had ever dreamed. One never knows just how much he or she impacts a child just by spending time with them, even in the simplest of activities!
And second, because of the sincerity and authenticity of his prayer. From his little perspective, his heart was simply filled with joy! He asked for nothing – not one single thing. Instead, he just thanked God for what all he was happy about! He spoke from his heart, with no pretense, and no agenda.
My wife pointed out that her strong suspicion is that his Heavenly Father was even more pleased than either his earthly father, mother, Yaya, or Granddaddy were with his prayer!
And for that reason, the prayer of her heart this day is that she would learn to pray in like fashion – just praising God for all His blessings without even asking for a thing! I echo that sentiment!
In the 6th verse of the 11th chapter of his Old Testament Book, the Prophet Isaiah of old declared that there would come a day when a little child would take the lead. In our case, at least, his prophecy has been fulfilled.