Well, I do hope to start 2025 off on the right foot. But more than this, I hope to end it that way as well. Allow me to explain.
A prominent life insurance company currently has an advertising campaign that employs the terms “coulda”, “woulda”, and “shoulda”. In a series of vignettes, people appear in rapid succession regretting the fact that they never bought life insurance - the first says she “woulda” but didn’t, the second saying he “coulda” but didn’t, and the third saying she “shoulda” but didn’t.
Of course, the point of the commercial is that getting life insurance is something that needs to be accomplished and not put off. Besides, as they say, it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!
But the principle employed in the commercial transcends the acquisition of life insurance. It finds application in many other aspects of life as well – especially as one year gives way to another.
Like many people, I usually make out a list of New Year’s Resolutions. To be more accurate, I usually make out a list of things I intend to accomplish in the coming year – sort of an annual “To Do” list. As I look back on 2024, I am pleased with the fact that I was able to see a number of these tasks completed.
However, as always, there were a few that I did not manage to finish. Some were begun, but never concluded. Sadly, others were never even begun. The reason? Well, you see, I have many. To begin with, I “coulda”, but I didn’t. Plus, I “woulda”, but I didn’t. Oh, and also, I “shoulda”, but I didn’t.
Now, as the year winds down, I find that I am full of regrets at not having done so many of the things I said I was going to do in 2024. And I do not like this feeling! For this reason, I have promised myself that if the Lord allows me to draw breath in the coming year, I plan to attack my “2025 To Do List” with vigor!
And in so doing, I hope to fulfil the Biblical admonition about “making the very most of (my) time on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence” (Ephesians 5:16, Amplified Bible).
The host of the television commercial referenced above concludes by talking about how we often put off what we know we should be doing; and, before the know it, another year has passed. He then says: “Don’t regret what you didn’t do ‘yesterday’... Feel great about saying ‘yes today’!”
That’s not a bad principle to apply, particularly at this time of the year, as we reflect on what all we left undone last year and what all we need to do this coming year!